Welcome to Hidden Hurt

Many suicidally depressed experience hidden hurt too terrible to share. Kept in, this pain can crowd out concern for loved ones and turn suicidal.

If you are suicidally depressed, read these pages. Survivors' stories tell of lifelong grief, guilt and anger.

If you have you lost a loved one, especially if your loss was a suicide, express your grief and help prevent another tragedy. Depression clouds compassion, but your grief may connect.

Depressed, grieving, both: find healing here.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Kerry Ryan Magann


1 comment:

mark said...

Thank you for posting Kerry's website. I will from time to time google his name. It's been a long time since I found something new on Kerry. I'm actually in a bit of a funk today - grieving over my daughters inability to function as a college freshman. Feeling really crappy about my parenting skills and about me as a person. It sucks. I wanted them both to be happy, healthy, and productive members of society. both are/were crippled by their depression. Anyway....thanks for keeping Kerry's memory alive! Love and Light, Shannon (aka Green Monkey) mother of Kerry Ryan Magann and Lindsay Katherine Fong